Keeping your kids busy during a move is so important for both you and them. When the kids are busy, you can be more productive and it will alleviate frustration for the both of you. Therefore, you want to include them in finding activities and games they can do while you pack, move and settle into your new location.
Start with taking them to a store and give them a budget. With your help, have them pick out several things from activity books, movies, electronic games and toys. Be selective to ensure they pick out things with longevity. Also, have them pick out a journal. This is so important because they will be able to catalog their feelings and experiences during the process and note contact details for their friends and family.
While you are packing, have your child pack a special bag that contains things that they find comforting, plus all of the new activities they have chosen on the shopping trip. If you have older children, have them set aside their clothes and toiletries for the journey. Keeping them engaged during the process helps them feel included and retain some control.
When the movers arrive, arrange to have a sitter watch them or take them to the park. Consider having your child spend time with a close friend or relative. This allows them to get as much out of the last few days as they can. It will be harder to keep them occupied in your new location because you will be leaving your support network behind.
Do some research ahead of time to find things to do for your kiddos in your new location. Scope out the parks and activities. Look to see if your new parks and recreation department offers activities for children in the summer. Tiring them out during the day will help you get your things done at night. If they are old enough, you can have them help by setting up their rooms and unpack. If they are still babies or toddlers, you will have your work cut out for you. Consider having access to a play pen or gate for their safety. It is hard to contain little ones while you unpack but is important for their safety. Therefore, take the time to have a special place for them before your begin.
Moving with children can be an adventure. Remember that you set the tone for the move and the more excited and positive you are, they will be.