How Do I Keep the Kids Busy During a Move?

Monday, 07 May 2012

Keeping your kids busy during a move is so important for both you and them.  When the kids are busy, you can be more productive and it will alleviate frustration for the both of you.  Therefore, you want to include them in finding activities and games they can do while you pack, move and settle into your new location.  

Start with taking them to a store and give them a budget.  With your help, have them pick out several things from activity books, movies, electronic games and toys.  Be selective to ensure they pick out things with longevity.  Also, have them pick out a journal.  This is so important because they will be able to catalog their feelings and experiences during the process and note contact details for their friends and family.  

While you are packing, have your child pack a special bag that contains things that they find comforting, plus all of the new activities they have chosen on the shopping trip.  If you have older children, have them set aside their clothes and toiletries for the journey.  Keeping them engaged during the process helps them feel included and retain some control.

When the movers arrive, arrange to have a sitter watch them or take them to the park.  Consider having your child spend time with a close friend or relative.  This allows them to get as much out of the last few days as they can.  It will be harder to keep them occupied in your new location because you will be leaving your support network behind.

Do some research ahead of time to find things to do for your kiddos in your new location.  Scope out the parks and activities.  Look to see if your new parks and recreation department offers activities for children in the summer.  Tiring them out during the day will help you get your things done at night.  If they are old enough, you can have them help by setting up their rooms and unpack.  If they are still babies or toddlers, you will have your work cut out for you.  Consider having access to a play pen or gate for their safety.  It is hard to contain little ones while you unpack but is important for their safety.  Therefore, take the time to have a special place for them before your begin.  

Moving with children can be an adventure.  Remember that you set the tone for the move and the more excited and positive you are, they will be.

family unpacking

Where in the World are Albertans moving ?

Friday, 04 May 2012

Top five countries that Albertans plan to move

Starline Overseas Moving  listed their top destination countires for Albertans emigrating from Canada. In 2011. As can be expected, English speaking  Commonweatlth countires topped the list, with the United Kingdom and the Australia being the first choice with close to 700 families planning a move. The USA ranked third with 232 moves and surprisingly, Germany with 210 families.  New Zealand ranked fifth with 149 move enquiries.




data table


Source:  Starline Overseas Moving

For further information contact Don Kachur 780-451-0123


Your First Corporate Relocation

Monday, 30 April 2012


Your first corporate relocation is a wonderful opportunity as a professional and an exciting time to expand your perspective and experience.  Once you have been offered this opportunity, you want to take the time to educate yourself on your employers relocation policies and procedures. This is so important because it will directly have an impact on your budget.  Depending on your position and reason for the relocation, your employer may cover limited relocation costs.  Therefore, educating yourself ahead of time will prevent any misunderstanding and confusion.  

Time is of the essence in the midst of a corporate relocation.  Planning will go a long way in making the most of your limited time.  

If you have any questions, your professionals here at Starline will be happy to help you understand your relocation benefits as it relates to moving your goods.  If there are questions that need further clarification, we will do our best to get you the answers you need or refer to you someone who can.  It is important to make sure you have a list of all of your contacts regarding your relocation in one place.  This will prove to be a valuable resource in the event you need to speak to someone right away.

young business_prof_lady

Top 5 Questions to ask Your Storage Facility


If you are in need of a storage facility when you move or after you move in, understand your options.  Take the time to do your due diligence and learn what will work best for you and your things.  Here are a few questions to ask to help you make the right selection.

  1. Experience.  When looking for storage facilities, you want to understand their longevity and reputation.  You also what to know if they are a stand alone operation or a part of a larger corporation.  Also, check with professional organizations and the Better Business Bureau to see if the company is in good standing.
  2. Facility. Take the time to evaluate the facility to see if it will meet your storage needs.  Make sure that it has the size requirements and climate controls you may need.
  3. Insurance.  Ask the proprietor about insurance and what is covered and what you will have to insure.  This is important in order to protect your things.
  4. Policies and Procedures.  You also want to understand what are their policies and procedures in the event of damage or trouble.
  5. Access and Availability.  You want to know the accessibility and availability of the storage facility.  Many allow you extended hours to access your things.  Just confirm this so that you know your options and how to get in the facility.  Also, you should ask about security to see if they have taken measures to monitor it at all hours of the facility

Moving and Renting

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

If you are moving and planning to rent, there are several things to keep in mind.  This is especially true if you moving with an international assignment.  First, you need to familiarize yourself with your rental agreement or lease.  Understand what your landlord expects of you and your responsibilities.  This even includes taking possession of your property, when you move in.  You should also clarify what is and is not included in your lease.  Different countries have different requirements on both sides of the transaction, so educating yourself will pay dividends in the future.  If you are fortunate enough to have access to a professional who can help you, take full advantage of their advice.  They will be able to educate you on what is standard business practices in that country.

If you do not have access to this type of professional or cannot afford one, ask your new work colleagues and friends to help you.  Asking for advice will go a long way.  It is worth the time to ask and get clarification until you understand to prevent anything that could be lost in translation.  This is an important element to prevent additional or unforeseen costs.  You want to make sure you have a clear understanding, which will help you and your landlord agree to terms that are amicable to both of you.


How Do I Move My Outdoor Items?

Monday, 19 March 2012

Moving your outdoor items are course of business for your professionals here at Starline.  However, you do need to keep in mind that you do need to prepare your outdoor things for the move.  In order to best prepare to move these outdoor items, you need to take some inventory yourself.  If you have a barbecue with a propane tank, you will need to remove the tank and return it or give it away.  This will be the same if you have any outdoor propane heaters, fireplaces or fire tables to move.  You have to remove these tanks because they are flammable and all professional movers are forbidden to transfer flammable objects.

If you have any other outdoor cooking equipment like a smoker and have lighter fluid to ignite it, you will have to get rid of that fluid as well.  Also, if you are a gardner and have fertilizer or pesticides, you will not be able to move any of these materials because they maybe considered flammable.  Further, if you have an outdoor shed, be sure to go through it carefully.  If you have any paint, oil or other chemicals, chances are you will not be able to transport them as well.  Therefore, it is worth the extra time to go through these items before you move so you can make the proper arrangements.

If you have any questions or are confused, please refer to Starline’s movers guide.  It itemizes the things you can not move.  If you are still concerned or have any questions, feel free to contact your professionals here at Starline.  They will  be happy to help clarify what you can take with you.


Setting up a Bank Account After You Move

Monday, 12 March 2012

Setting up a bank account after you move may seem rather easy or standard.  However, there are several things you need to think about.  If you are making a domestic move, chances are your banking should be an easy transfer.  If you currently bank at a national bank, it may be as easy as opening up a local bank account with the same institution with your new address.  Keep in mind that each bank operates differently and they may not have branches in your new location.  Therefore, you want to make sure that you touch base with your current bank branch and get the specifics so that you can understand your options before you move.  If your bank does not have branches in your new location, you definitely want to consider changing institutions.  This may save you in the long run when it comes to fees and charges for ATMs and services.  If you have a safety deposit box with them, make sure that you empty it and close the account.

If you are moving abroad, opening an account may prove to be more tricky.  Therefore, due diligence is essential.  It is important to recognize that your credit worthiness is assessed differently in different countries.  Therefore, you need to understand this before you move.  You may have immaculate credit in your home country, however this may not translate to your new location.  Find out ahead of time what are the requirements and what paperwork you need to demonstrate your creditworthiness so that you can open your account with little to no trouble.  Whatever you do, do not take this personally.  Just recognize that these differences do exist and that in order to make a successful transition you need to prepare yourself and do the best you can to fulfill the requirements.  It may make absolutely no sense to you, but at the end of the day, you need to meet your objective.  Further, if you are on a corporate relocation, it may be much easier to fulfill the requirements.  I suggest to be patient and learn.  Consider it all apart of your new adventure.


Finding a Job in Canada

Monday, 05 March 2012

Finding a job in Canada due to a move will take some preparation.  It is important to keep in mind that if you are seeking employment after you move, you really want to start your search even before you move.  This will allow you to prepare yourself for all of the steps you need to take.  If you are moving from another country, even more preparation is required.  Therefore, it is best to start early.  There are some tools on-line that can be of help in your search.  

If you are moving to Canada and are seeking employment, here are a few online resources that can help you.  First, you want to check with Citizen and Immigration Canada to evaluate your work visa needs and eligibility.  You should start this process before you move to mitigate any surprises. Further, you want to establish the amount of time you plan on living in the country.  Next, use the available resources online to begin your search.  These include but are not limited to Service Canada and Working in Canada.  These two websites will help you find available employment opportunities.  It offers various search options.  For example, the search options include the type of work you are looking for and the type of prospective employee you are.  Keep in mind there are additional resources out there like Monster Canada that can help with your search.  Also, if your spouse or partner is on a corporate relocation or job transfer, you may be eligible for employment service benefits.  You will have to evaluate the policies and procedures and the benefits offered by the employer.  

In this competitive job market, every effort counts.  Therefore, starting early, educating yourself and utilizing your contacts will help you tremendously.


After Moving Internationally, Post Emergency Numbers

Monday, 27 February 2012

Once you have moved internationally, you want to consider finding a convenient spot to note down emergency numbers.  The important thing to keep in mind is that different countries have different phone numbers for emergencies.  Learn them and post them in a convenient place so that you have them to hand when and if something happens.  Add to this list your friends and family’s phone numbers.  This is critical for emergency contacts.  Not only do you want to have their name, you want to note the country code and time difference.  This will help anyone who is trying to help you contact your friends and family back home in case of an emergency. 

Further, establish a network of who to contact in an event of an emergency.  You want to have identified key friends and family and discuss this with them before your move.  This way they will understand their role in an emergency.  This phone tree will help you when you need it by streamlining communication and ensuring at least one person will be notified and can pass information and help.  Having a plan in place, will help to prevent scams and fraud.  In other words, grandma will know that she is not the person to wire money in an emergency.

Often times we forget or not prioritize this task.  However, it is so important to make this a priority when you first move.  This will help you establish something in place and it will give you and your family some peace of mind knowing you are prepared for anything.


Moving with Fine Jewelry

Monday, 20 February 2012

Most of you will find yourself moving with fine jewelry.  Handling your special items with care is so important to make sure it is safely transported.   The first thing you should do is to have your items appraised, especially those that are extra special or those items with significant values.  Furthermore, you want to review your rental or homeowner’s insurance policy.  If you have certain pieces of jewelry itemized on a rider, you want to make sure the value reflects its current replacement value.  You also want take photos of your jewelry along with your other household goods.  This very important because it will give you a digital inventory of all of your goods.  After you have taken inventory, call your insurance agent. This is critical because most moving companies will not cover collectible items and jewelry.  Once you sell or move from your home, you will no longer have access to your rental or homeowner’s insurance policy.  Therefore, you need to discuss this with your insurance agent to clarify your options.  You definitely want to have the appropriate coverage for the replacement value of your precious items.  

Further, most of us have an amount of jewelry that we can personally transport ourselves.  However, even if you are transporting your items yourself, you still need to insure them.  For those of you who have more items than you can transport yourself, discuss your options with your insurance agent and mover.  Your professionals, here at Starline will do their best to meet your moving needs.  Therefore, it is important to identify your high value items ahead of time so that the right steps can be taken to handle your items safely and insure them adequately.


We service all of Alberta including Ft. McMurray, Red Deer and Lethbridge!

Our Affiliates


Edmonton International Movers
14490-157 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB
T6V 0K8

Tel: (780) 447-4242

Calgary International Movers
320 28 St N.E.
Calgary, AB
T2A 5R2

Tel: (403) 720-3244
