Moving to Edmonton?
Check out the crime map for your new neighborhood
Moving to Edmonton?
Check out the crime map for your new neighborhood
If you have children, you want to make sure you do this for them as well. You should also consider visits to the dentist and orthodontist if applicable. It is important to squeeze these appointments in because it will take some time to find the right medical professionals in your new area.
You also want to make sure you have the contact details of all of your medical professionals and understand their policies and procedures on obtaining your medical records. This is so important so that when you find the right doctor in your new area, you are prepared and understand what to do to transfer the documentation. Taking the time ahead of your move to do this will be worth it in the end. You will be able to buy yourself some time to get settled and find just the right medical professional for you and your family.
Moving is a challenging experience for an adult, let alone a child, so helping them with this is key to a smooth transition. Although you are pressed for time in the midst of a relocation, make time for your child. The best way to mitigate some of the affects is to openly communicate with your family. Keeping the lines of communication open will help them feel apart of the process and there are several things that you can do to help them feel included.
Once you know you are moving, have a family meeting to discuss the upcoming move. Outline some of the opportunities where they can be help or propose suggestions. It is important to tailor your discussions and opportunities to the age of your child. Explain to them that they can help pick their new room and decorate it. Discuss how you will help them select a new school and activities. Keep in mind that if you include them in the process, they will feel ownership and it will help with the transition.
It is important to note that moving will bring a mixed bag of emotions for both you and your child. A great way to help with this is to start a journal. Have your child begin one to help them deal with their feelings, document contact details for family and friends and draw pictures and diagrams of what they want their new room to look like. It is a powerful tool that provides them an outlet to help with their new transition.
As you prepare for the holiday season and enjoy the company of your family and friends, if you are planning a move next year begin your preparations early. Moving can be challenging, but the better prepared you are the easier it will be.
If you know that you are moving, begin to prepare your family and friends. Enjoy your holiday season with them so that when you start the process, you would have spent quality time with them ahead of your hectic moving schedule.
Take the time to do your research. Investigate your new location, find out the necessary services and amenities in your new area. Find out the cost of living so you can prepare your budget accordingly. Take inventory of all of your high-valued items and take photos of each room to document your things.
When the holiday season is over, weed through your holiday decorations and get rid of those that you did not use and pack up those that you will with your move in mind. Go through your home and weed through your clutter. It will enable you donate your things in time to help those in need for the holidays and allow you get rid of the things you do not want or need to move.
Taking these extra steps will help alleviate some stress and minimize some expenses associated with moving items you really do not need or want.
The holidays are a stressful time for most and adding a move during the holiday season can be challenging. The important thing to keep in mind is your professionals at Starline will make every effort to make your move as smooth as possible. With the logistics of your move handled, what you need to concern yourself with is how to make the transition easier on your family.
Think about your family traditions during the holiday season and identify those that you could keep during the move. Have a family meeting to discuss the upcoming move and what traditions are important to everyone and plan on keeping those that are feasible. This will help everyone continue to look forward to the holiday season. Tell your friends and family ahead of time. Let them know that you are in the midst of a move and that certain things will just have to wait. If you must get gifts during this time, consider gift cards. It will free up your time to focus on the move and you will not be laden down with more things to transport. If you send holiday cards, consider sending them after your move. This way you will be able to let everyone know your new contact details and how you have settled into your new life.
Keep a positive attitude. It may be challenging, but it makes all the difference for you and your family. You will be making some memories that you will all fondly remember. Keep in mind that this is a temporary situation and you will be in your new home sooner that you expect.
35 years ago Jim’s Express (now Highland Moving) lent a 17 year old home sick employee $100 to help him get back to see his family in Newfoundland. He never returned, or paid the money back. Today we received a letter of apology and a money order in the mail for the loan and interest, 35 years later! Some stories just renew your faith in human kind. Thanks Jack.
Moving fine art is a fine art itself and finding the right company to help you is key. Rest assured, your professionals at Starline Moving are just the right folks to get the job done. However, there are several things you need to do to prepare yourself. In order to make sure that you are ready, check to see if you have current appraisals for all of your precious items. This way you will know the appropriate insurance levels to obtain so you are adequately covered. Depending on the item, you may have to get specific coverage just for it. Therefore, it is very important to identify your high-valued items in your inventory and discuss it with your moving representative.
After having your items appraised, if there are any changes in their values, you should also follow up with your insurance agent to make sure that you update any appropriate riders on your policy. You also want to discuss with your insurance agent any potential gaps in your coverage that you should address. Taking these extra steps will ensure that your fine art is protected and give you the peace of mind knowing that your are covered.
Corporate relocations do have an affect on family life. The key to a successful move is mitigating any negative affects and optimizing positive experiences. Once you get notice that you are relocating for your job, you need to discuss it with your family. Often times with corporate relocations, the breadwinner is moving to ensure continued employment and a future with the company. Therefore, it is so important to keep the lines of communication with family members open. Have a family meeting to discuss what will happen, expectations and get feedback from your children and/or partner. The ages of your children will determine the input and tone of the discussion. They may be concerned about leaving family and friends. Address these concerns with various options like video chats, home visits and correspondence. Having your children start a journal is a great way for them to express their feelings throughout the process. The important take-away is to keep the family involved and informed. This will make it easier on everyone concerned. It will also gain buy-in from the family on your new adventure.
Outline any special needs your family may have and make sure you are able to meet them in your new location. This will require research, education and time. Companies, like Starline, have additional resources available to corporate relocation clients. Take full advantage of these resources. It will help make an easier transition on you and your family as you embark on your new life. Best wishes on your new opportunity!
As you prepare to move, you need to ensure you have adequately insured your goods. Although your professional movers at Starline will make every effort to take care of your goods, unforeseen accidents can happen. Even if you hire a professional mover, like Starline, you should still evaluate your own insurance coverage before you move. Contact your insurance agent and review your policy and explain the details of your move with them. Take inventory of your items and evaluate your current insurance coverage. If you have riders on your homeowner’s policy for example, chances are you may need additional coverage for your move. If you have specialty items like artwork and antiques, you will have to identify them to your mover ahead of time and discuss coverage options.
Professional movers, like Starline carry insurance and are required to take liability of the items they transport. However, there are different levels of liability they will assume. Therefore, you will need to discuss in detail what is covered ahead of time with them and be clear about your high-valued items. It is worth identifying these ahead of time so that you are adequately covered. I suggest you take photos of your high-valued items prior to packing to document the items. Use these photos to develop your high-valued inventory. Starline has put together some great resources to help you. Check out how to complete a high-valued inventory and a sample high-inventory form.
These extra steps are definitely worth doing in order to ensure any gaps in insurance are identified and addressed.
Preparing to take delivery of your goods is important to ensure a smooth move into your new home. If at all possible, time your closing date or date of possession to allow for at least one day prior to moving. This gives you a contingency in the event there are some last minute complications with your home purchase. Also, it gives you another day to get familiar with your new home before the chaos of moving day. If you have the time and supplies, label each room with a sheet of paper. For example label your family room, kids’ rooms, master bedroom, etc. This will help cut down on the amount of questions you will get from the movers.
Look at your new location with a critical eye. Do you have ample space for the moving truck? Do you have parking? Do you live in a gated community? Did you reserve the freight elevator? Noting any potential challenges and letting your professional mover know ahead of the move will help save you time and minimize any problems.
Familiarize yourself with any HOA (Homeowner’s Association) policies and regulations. You may be surprised what you may find in those documents that may have an impact on your move. This extra step will allow you to mitigate any potential problems ahead of your moving day, so you will have time to focus on taking possession of your goods.
When possible, having two adults available on your moving day is very helpful. This way, one can direct the movers and answer questions, while the other checks-off the bill of lading.
If you have pets or children, keep in mind that the flurry of activity on the day of the move can cause complications. Doors will be left open and movers may not be looking for pets or little ones, when they are hauling boxes and furniture. Therefore, for their own safety keep pets contained and children busy and away from high traffic areas. Extra preparation will pay dividends and alleviate some stress on the day of the move.